
Showing posts from September, 2019

7 Factors That Cause Sensitive Teeth & Solution

Sensitive teeth is a major problem among many people that causes irresistible dental pain while eating certain food products. This problem is so huge that at least 1 out of 5 people is suffering from this issue as per Times of India report. Sensitivity pain is unpleasantly sharp and immediate. Fortunately, it is temporary. This pain touches the nerve endings of teeth. The good news is this problem is curable.   What causes Sensitivity in Teeth? As per a research conducted there is no specific age groups or types of people that suffer from  sensitive teeth . This problem can hit anyone. Commonly this unpleasant sharp pain is caused when our tooth is exposed to air. Cold, hot, sweet and acidic food products also cause this pain. Few people experience it while brushing or flossing as well. Dentin is the softest layer beneath the enamel. Enamel is a layer on our teeth that protects dentin and gums protect the root of our teeth. Our teeth are vulnerable to sensitivity when t